One Ring Phone Call Scams

One Ring Phone Call Scams

What do you do if your phone rings once and then the caller hangs up. It can be incredibly confusing and may make you want to call the person back to make sure there isn't some sort of emergency. However, many scammers employ the "one-ring" tactic to get you to do just that.

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Job Scams

Job Scams

If you are currently looking for a job, it is important to be aware that job scams are on the rise. Many scammers are targeting job applicants to steal their money and personal information.

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Storing Your Savings

Storing Your Savings

Deciding how to store your savings for the maximum return can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing. Whether you are just starting on your savings journey or are looking to vary your portfolio, learning your options is an excellent way to increase your financial literacy!

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National Play Outside Day

National Play Outside Day

The first Saturday of every month is designated as National Play Outside Day! This day is not just about getting your kids outside and away from their screens but is designed to get people of all ages outside and enjoying fun activities!

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Intimidation Scams

Intimidation Scams

Intimidation Scams are some of the hardest scams to combat because there are many different scenarios around which scammers can build their ruse, and they tend to play on people's most common fears. If you find yourself on the phone with someone who is threatening, angry, abusive, or demanding, it is important you know how to keep yourself safe.

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