Staying Active This Holiday Season


Staying Active This Holiday Season

Staying Active This Holiday Season

                The holiday season is always such a rush! You spend months trying to make sure everything is ready, and then it feels like it is over in the blink of an eye. Usually, things like self-care and staying active are the first things to fall off your to-do list, but this holiday season, making them a priority can be easy with the tips below.

                Staying active in the winter can seem hard because of the cold weather, snow, and busy schedules. However, staying active is an amazing way to combat the stress of the season. You may be saying to yourself that you just do not have the time to invest in staying active while planning holiday meals, gift shopping, or decorating your house, but staying active doesn’t have to mean spending hours on a treadmill!

Opt for In-Person Shopping

                The convenience of online shopping is never more apparent than during the holiday season. Not only do you get to beat the crowds, but everything is delivered right to your door. But in-person shopping offers some great benefits. Walking is one of the best activities for stabilizing your hormones, improving your mood, and helping you sleep. If staying active is difficult for you during the holidays, consider using in-person shopping to hit your step goal. You don’t even necessarily have to purchase anything, as window shopping to see what is available can be just as fun—especially if you bring the entire family!

Walk Instead of Drive to View Christmas Lights

                Viewing Christmas lights is such a fun activity for everyone in the family, and we get it: driving around with the heat blasting can feel better than walking in the frigid winter temperatures. However, this is a great opportunity to get active. Whether you prefer to tour neighborhoods or visit city light displays, opt instead for getting out of the car and walking. Bundling up, bringing a hot beverage, and even bringing hand warmers can stave off the worst of the cold. Not only this but keeping your body moving will naturally keep you warmer.

Seasonal Activities

                Participating in a seasonal activity is an excellent way to stay active that is both fun and not time consuming. Rather than trying to get a traditional hike or workout in, do something like ice skating or playing a round of flag football. Getting the whole family involved will create some wonderful memories and get everyone active! Other seasonal activities like sledding, snowball fights, and hockey are all super fun ways to get your heart racing. Be creative, and just have fun with it.

                It can be hard to fit in staying active, especially during the holidays. This year, however, make it a priority for the entire family to help everyone de-stress and enjoy time together.

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